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(report) No.431
Hi admin, you replied to my post (18031) in this screenshot. I have decided the same thing as you, that even though the two of us have both been posting on the party for longer than kuz has, if hes going to treat us as foreign agents just for being associated with other imageboards, I simply won't post there anymore. Since I will now have more free time, I'll post here on bstall instead if you'll have me.
>> (report) No.432  >>434
Thank you fren; I'll always have /qa/'s back.

Frenschan + bStall > KolymaNET
>> (report) No.434  >>439
By the way, how come you only go by admin? I like to use a name online because it feels more personal. Ace is just my real name translated into English.

Also, one other thing. I forgave Kuz and said I will still visit the party, but I don't plan to visit as often as I used to, since I feel I am too old for the site anyway. I will visit here more often instead.
>> (report) No.437
thanks! :D
>> (report) No.438
>Enzo est un prénom d'origine italienne. Ce pouvait être la transcription en italien de Heinz, et donc le diminutif d'Henri (en italien Enrico), ...
>> (report) No.439
make some irl friends ace please for the love of god

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