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  • Currently 173 unique user posts.
File: 1659790980989.png–(203.03KB, 689x711, Comic.png)
(report) No.575  [Reply]
guys, on a scale ranging from "party-saving gem" to "party-killing dust", how would you rate my comic
>> (report) No.576
>> (report) No.595

File: 1659923715266.png–(62.23KB, 1160x1125, attention whore coal.png)
(report) No.580  [Reply]
what do you think of /incel/
>> (report) No.585
lolcow.farm board albeit
>> (report) No.594
sobot kuz x soot tumblr fanfic site

File: 1650482347093.png–(1.34MB, 1280x800, fim.png)
(report) No.63  [Reply]  >>593
Tell me about your favorite episode of MLP.
Also please don't be degenerate, I want to get away those people.
>> (report) No.593
1660013111854.png–(21.83KB, 307x157, Bronies, this is your mindset.png)


File: 1659874185833.jpg–(50.86KB, 727x545, IMG_0133.JPG)
(report) No.579  [Reply]
Anyone else miss when the Apple stores used to have the kids section?
>> (report) No.581
your too old to be allowed in the kids section anon

File: 1659725705189.png–(198.47KB, 1530x548, Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 11.54.53 AM.png)
(report) No.570  [Reply]
Hey bStall, should I reopen /meta/? It could become a dedicated soy board (and meta board too)
>> (report) No.572  >>578
yes. do it
>> (report) No.578
it is done

File: 1659733116228.png–(76.77KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20220805-165744.png)
(report) No.571  [Reply]
kuz is really edwardo
>> (report) No.573
how could eduardo have managed to afford the party though

File: 1659528675066.mp4–(1.63MB, 320x360, 0:00, eduardo-adventure.mp4)
(report) No.556  [Reply]  >>561
new toss
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.564
lol eddie is scared
>> (report) No.568  >>569
1659673248374.jpg–(20.78KB, 245x270, 1659668803055.jpeg)
>> (report) No.569

File: 1650270152105.jpg–(160.75KB, 1046x859, 1650151415781.jpg)
(report) No.19  [Reply]
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.122  >>128
1651441556272.jpg–(109.75KB, 640x480, d-Mfm6MDqr46NTeJe4f4G3-a-w-640x480.JPG)
A&W slowly creeeps in
>> (report) No.128
1651565214216.png–(83.61KB, 999x1000, 5420 - black_skin bowtie clothes cup ear glass gla)
>europoors can't drink all american rootbeer floats
feels good
>> (report) No.567
1659667597359.jpg–(119.34KB, 1000x1000, olietbangs.jpg)

oliet bang's is better though

File: 1659627086187.png–(108.18KB, 1000x1000, high-school-peers-stonetoss-comic.png)
(report) No.565  [Reply]
New very relatable 'toss
>> (report) No.566
1659654574077.jpg–(218.21KB, 962x642, Payton Gendron.jpg)
Very antisemitic dogwhistle
Mocking the Buffalo Walmart massacre is not joke, goy

File: 1659408053688.mp4–(560.55KB, 576x324, 0:00, melobytes-4.mp4)
(report) No.549  [Reply]
official bStall theme song
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.554  >>560
1659461352404.png–(259.01KB, 1001x798, Soyfish on computer.png)
A fish could make better music than this
>> (report) No.555
>> (report) No.560
glob glob glob glob glob glob

File: 1659530233183.png–(14.66KB, 300x100, 11.png)
(report) No.559  [Reply]
>we have a nucob banner but no cobson banner
janny fix

File: 1659530031476.jpg–(49.42KB, 743x942, 1647907355116.jpg)
(report) No.557  [Reply]
>its august
time is passing by way too fast
>> (report) No.558
i did nothing this year or last year 😐

File: 1651021863250.jpg–(145.82KB, 1280x1182, obama witchdoctor.jpg)
(report) No.108  [Reply]

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.112
1651125317953.png–(34.03KB, 430x400, 1651077492014.png)
>he discovered the cure for racism
>> (report) No.552
hi obamna
>> (report) No.553
1659461288845.jpg–(214.76KB, 800x789, Racism calmmmm.jpg)

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(report) No.235  [Reply]  >>282, >>520
Why haven't you shaved your legs yet?
15 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.522  >>523, >>542
mods had a meltdown and banned half of the board, it now has a post every five minutes
>> (report) No.523
that happens everyday albeit
>> (report) No.542
so esfores isn't nice board anymore

File: 1658557516808.jpg–(530.51KB, 1200x900, 1658538521401.jpg)
(report) No.466  [Reply]
1999 born 23 year old Russian construction worker and fake alias of KUZ. Reminder that "Yuri" stalked and larps as jailbait (who has a provably legitimate instagram account that dates back to when they were 15 in 2014). All images make sense on EDUARDO timeline. NONE make sense on "Yuri" timeline. Kuz wants you to think Eduardo's imaged are his. They aren't.
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.528
>> (report) No.540
1659307030264.png–(486.04KB, 433x439, Kuz_portrait 6.35.02 AM.png)
But it is literally true
picrel used to be on Kuz's website
( archived https://archive.ph/Tb9sg )
( https://archive.ph/HvoBG )
>> (report) No.541
cunny kuz

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