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  • Currently 173 unique user posts.
File: 1655830189460.png–(101.01KB, 300x342, Soot_Soyjak.png)
(report) No.267  [Reply]
>raiding le bad even doe i literally asked you to do it

File: 1655813667284.jpg–(64.35KB, 1000x800, 1599443660685.jpg)
(report) No.266  [Reply]

File: 1655798661827.gif–(49.77KB, 404x350, 1638745509784.gif)
(report) No.265  [Reply]
pot pot lel running to page 9

File: 1655788556421.png–(32.73KB, 996x1364, 1651883448385.png)
(report) No.264  [Reply]

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(report) No.263  [Reply]

File: 1655773364188.png–(79.50KB, 1278x765, Screencap.png)
(report) No.262  [Reply]
>(Honestly, if sharty ever closes down, I'd gladly make a soy board, and I'm also very lax on bans.)

Imagine getting cucked by a board dedicated exclusively to drawings of bald men with glasses.

File: 1651858190158.jpg–(115.77KB, 850x1112, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_ei_tantan__sampl)
(report) No.140  [Reply]  >>146, >>159
Obligatory milia
12 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.257
now it is :D
>> (report) No.258  >>260
what the hell happened?
>> (report) No.260
Soyjak raid

File: 1655752129952.png–(579.23KB, 541x671, bbc gem cobson.png)
(report) No.251  [Reply]
Post truncated. Click Reply to view.

File: 1655603379990.gif–(1.56MB, 498x319, dumbchi.gif)
(report) No.234  [Reply]
yes hello someone advertising this place made this thread https://sluts4sale.com/s4s/thread/1627.html
and said "nothing's going to happen to Magick" and I am currently very upset.. you make me sound like a stray animal that needs to be locked in a virtual cage, what the heck what do you even mean? am I some kind of marker of anarchy? a buzzword for chaos? you reduce me to something less than human ;___;
by the way writing this was too painful, your website is so broken wtf I can't even post!!!

File: 1655591615254.gif–(108.65KB, 150x320, cookie dough.gif)
(report) No.233  [Reply]
New /qa/ bunker just dropped?

File: 1654575230263.jpg–(135.52KB, 1170x1170, FUdHnLWVEAAe21_.jpeg)
(report) No.206  [Reply]
nooooooo we gotta bail him out
>> (report) No.227
>literally all based crimes

why do they even lock him up? certified king shit up in here. #freemymansbape
>> (report) No.229
more like based kid

File: 1652468611868.png–(382.88KB, 600x758, 1638967808646.png)
(report) No.165  [Reply]  >>167
redpill me on bstall
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> (report) No.220
1655013332346.gif–(524.26KB, 200x200, 3dgifmaker32400.gif)
>> (report) No.222
*tranny website
>> (report) No.224
1655176478052.png–(5.45KB, 229x220, 1655092671080.png)
how the fuck do you get the verification code or whatever on the sharty?

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(report) No.219  [Reply]
> little fluffy sharks on four legs would make great pets even tho i want a bee tho>>669408

File: 1654396696953.jpg–(35.98KB, 400x300, F42B3Q23JM3QLAA7JKXQA67HHHXTBSP4.jpeg)
(report) No.199  [Reply]
le monorail cat
>> (report) No.216
1654812367898.gif–(630.40KB, 400x300, T4JAM57CTJSP3CNQLXK6NJBYJ2BTLKIN.gif)

File: 1654798774593.png–(31.94KB, 300x155, logo (2).png)
(report) No.214  [Reply]
8ch.su i dont feel like writing the whole shill message but yeah its 8channel

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