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  • Currently 173 unique user posts.
File: 1654658241088.png–(2.01MB, 1188x1320, Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 8.17.07 PM.png)
(report) No.208  [Reply]  >>209
>> (report) No.209
1654658365189.png–(835.66KB, 1024x1024, 2ff7046c-e6d9-11ec-bda7-9a846276b480.png)

official bStall logo according to NeuralBlender

File: 1650270342805.jpg–(19.96KB, 380x254, 1650247744801.jpg)
(report) No.30  [Reply]  >>33
All the threads except for >>>28 and >>>29 lost their replies and 404 when I click on reply now
>> (report) No.32  >>33
Yeah, for some reason, Sawtelle is just deleting older posts. Not sure why since there is no documentation for TinyIB or (obviously) Sawtelle.
I'll try to see what the reason is.
>> (report) No.33  >>204
It happens after anyone reports a post.
For now, I'll disable post reports.

If you need to report a post, just holler.
>> (report) No.204
Reports are back since I rebuilt Sawtelle and everything works now.

File: 1654439623333.jpg–(90.84KB, 980x622, attachment-Screenshot-2022-03-01-162916.jpg)
(report) No.202  [Reply]
oh shit there's literally a town in Michigan named after axe wound

File: 1654280917896.gif–(450.59KB, 391x480, laugh smile.gif)
(report) No.196  [Reply]

File: 1654059863128.webp–(411.30KB, 680x680, a26.png)
(report) No.189  [Reply]
Why do maths?

File: 1654016119229.png–(292.22KB, 1256x800, Screen Shot 2022-05-31 at 9.55.12 AM.png)
(report) No.186  [Reply]
haha jk bStall is back

(I changed my mind on closing bStall)
>> (report) No.187
thx for not killing my blog xd

File: 1653771139344.png–(10.76KB, 444x333, hkh.png)
(report) No.185  [Reply]

File: 1653293831238.gif–(0.96MB, 300x400, 1653284105424.gif)
(report) No.181  [Reply]  >>182
>> (report) No.182
stop licking the screen!

File: 1653015769551.jpg–(146.93KB, 462x476, 1653002889976.jpg)
(report) No.177  [Reply]
sad but true for me

File: 1652357899422.png–(786.88KB, 576x761, Untitled.png)
(report) No.161  [Reply]
SECRET SOCIETIES (SS) ties to terror'm/shootgs/riots...r not report'd; JFK warn'd of SS. Eur.'s Aryan elite leads the SS sys. Secret rites/sign sys unite SS: all top leadrs sign. SS' symbs. tie to Satum, god of time/Lord oft Rings: Audi rgs; Mafia's rg kis'q; Vat/Eu/FBI's rg of stars; Islam/WHO/ China's cresc. (cr) w/ star/ball..; eye/Target (Cbs/Hbo); rays (Fox/Cdc/W-M); cross (+) w/ fire (kkk); ' Black Sun', Prayer Wheel..SS agents thru-out soc. incite divis'n/CONFUS'N, condit'n'g us Nazis 2b control'd (treason) .Rels./SS/intl corps..merge at the top: Vat/Exxon's dbl + red +/sq/ball/cr/rg (7up/Crest/Mobil); mil/pol/Jew's stars; Vat/Islam's..rosary... SS say Sat was near earth (Gold'n Age whn 'gods' ruld). Tip-offs: Nwo-New Age; justice; change.. Sign'g uses motns/signs (ok/homs/fist [Bimy/palm fwd-hnd:touch'g(ear/chin) pinch'g (lapl/belt) [freq point'g/thum up'show'g'(rg/watch)..& black/rd/o.. Fauci/Opra'/Shaq sign. Symbs: w/ Sat's colors (Lgbt/Googl/Gulf, altg/dif. color'd sqs/ dots/words..[Bmw/Aim/Brillo]); bird ($/Chrysler); maze/spiral-'e'-9 & dots/holes (rock art); key/cap.. stone; crown; bars (Euro/Aldi); clock-tower, snake/drag'n.. SS hide a tiny race call'd Drag'n Kings (Sat's royal-fams). Their long, red-hair'd skulls/cave cities-archit were fnd in Peru/Turkey/Eastr Is.. DK's agenda: Soc'm, caste sys; redefin'd fam/ped'philia; chronic debt/drugs/conflict/ill. immigr'n.. Symbs: alter'd +letrs (Chevy/Frozn); pyra'd/A (Citgo/Paramt/Antifa); sun w/ valley/mt/cr, torch; swastika; Confed. flag/X; tilt'd +/letr/sq..(Dominos); shield; blu +/sq/cr/ball/oval (Bk/Pillsbury/Ford/ PFIZER); geometric/flower/star-like symbs (Bp/Ems/rel art); ball w/ dots (Sat w/ moons); grid (UN/ World Bank); knot/web/wovn symbs (Astra Zeneca [Zen/sen/san/Can-Sat]); Vat-bat-fire/energy: SKULL-BONES; gate/arch/dom'; gavel; scales (Naacp)..

To rule again, DK need disarm'd pop'ns.
>> (report) No.162  >>164
>> (report) No.164
1652454451234.png–(107.14KB, 594x292, image (9).png)
the world is more exciting than you think it is
>> (report) No.176
1652950968812.png–(1.01MB, 755x752, fluoride stare.png)

File: 1652826027681.jpg–(130.28KB, 953x1282, BAVI.jpg)
(report) No.174  [Reply]

>> (report) No.175
1652904203543.png–(76.25KB, 600x600, image (25).png)
>heh. he doesnt even see me

File: 1652672522624.png–(46.05KB, 425x456, 1628202212345.png)
(report) No.168  [Reply]
On my way to page... page... page uh...
>> (report) No.173
ias gemmy

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(report) No.100  [Reply]

>> (report) No.101
vinluv won
>> (report) No.163

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